Sunday, March 8, 2009

Wondercon, baby!!

Wondercon was the other reason I am still sniffling and coughing, but oh so worth it.

Zachary Levi from CHUCK, my friend Tricia's obsession
Yvonne Strahovski of CHUCK
Elijah, promoting his new animated movie 9
J.J. Abrams, director of Star Trek. He was so excited about his new movie that it was infectious and I don't even like Sci-Fi
Eric McCormack was promoting Alien Trespass
Hubba Hubba...Patrick Wilson and Jeffrey Dean Morgan
Bryce Dallas Howard for Terminator Salvation
Billy Crudup for Watchmen
Saving the best for last, Jeffrey Dean Morgan
Oh..i had to add this, it was to cute not to share
and Shirley Manson from Garbage


Beth Kephart said...

My goodness, these are beautiful people.

YA Book Realm said...

BILLY CRUDUP, LOVE HIM!!! And you got to see them all? How lucky!


I love JDM, OMG love love love I am in LOVE!