Saturday, April 26, 2008

RT!!! What an adventure

I survived RT 2008!!

I spent a bit of time not posting due to the fact that I went to Washington DC and then a week later was at RT having the best time of my life. It is hard for me to put it into words. I enjoy RT so much for I get to see old friends and make new ones then to top it off you are totally surrounded by the best authors around. It is almost too good to be true. I make the most of my experience and always know that more fun is to be had the following year.

Tricia and I arrived on a red eye flight and although we stayed at a hotel that was less than stellar. The only redeeming quality is that it had an awesome view. I won't mention the name but I must say that even Paris would NOT stay at this place.

Once we got settled in, which took all of 2 minutes then we were off and running. First things first . I had to put on my self-made promotional bit of the authors that I LURVE

I had roomies to meet. Megan and Linda. The best chicas evah!!

The MJD Yahoo Group to hook up with. All Hail BETSY the Vampire Queen. I love this picture with (starting at the front left) Beth, Megan, Lori (Back) Me, MJ, Tricia and Linda. This was at the Speakeasy party hosted by Christine Feehan

and authors to chat with, like J. R. Ward of the BDB. I was in total awe of meeting her and she did not dissappoint. She was very gracious and kind. A real treat to listen to during the panels.

Rachel Vincent, one of the hottest new authors around. Author of STRAY and ROGUE
An awesome surprise was having the fabulous L.A. Banks sit at our table during the Vampire Ball. She had the most stunning cross necklace on...YUM!!! But this spider cuff had me running. She was so gracious and warm that I became and instant fan and got the first book in her vampire series the very next day. How could I have been so foolish to not have gotten it before, I dont know. L.A. adored us and she even mentioned us in her blog.

The most surreal moment was when MJD and J. R. Ward sat in the same panel. My two favorite authors side by side. I even got to ask a question at that panel. They were joined by Christine Feehan. There was a point during the panel when MJ confession to getting frisky after reading on of Feehan's books. LMAO. What a funny moment. I am soo glad to have been there.
There was an amazing event with MJ, Dakota Cassidy and Michele Bardsley. It was an evening mixer with some very handsome man candy. It was also the beginning of the SNARK wars and we all had such a good laugh over it.
Here is one examples of the SNARK spoils of war. Those women are too damn funny

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